Coming Back to Reality and determined to make a difference.

I got back from the DNC three days ago but truly haven’t left in my heart.  This is such an important election that I don’t want to come down from the excitement felt that week.  I would, however, like to get more sleep. Boy, it may take me a month to recover from a week of little sleep. That’s not right.

After some sleep, it is my hope that I can share my thoughts and point out the issues that are important to me as a woman, a mom, an employee, and an American in the year 2012.

I’m taking this one step at a time. It’s been interesting to talk to friends and find out that  many of us, myself included, are intimidated by politics or quite frankly, overwhelmed at the prospect of tackling all the issues.  Sometimes it seems like too much to think about getting involved in a campaign or worrying about even one more thing in our lives, but I challenge all who are reading this to do just one thing for this election.  If it’s only to get five people to register to vote, that is fantastic.  If its for you to vote, that too is fantastic! We all can take action one step at a time and one person does make a difference.  I have felt it first hand last week and all leading up to that exceptional experience in North Carolina.

Stay tuned…


3 thoughts on “Coming Back to Reality and determined to make a difference.

  1. HI Lisa..Enjoyed your postings. Looking for you interview on the Patch… I am having trouble coming down from the excitement of the democratic convention and that was just watching on C span. I imagine it seems a life time ago for you now. Do they just say “wham bam thank you Delegate” or are there other activities going on to keep you in the loop. Also I wondered if you would want to explain why the amendment to the platform was left out at first and then adding declaring the capital of Israel as Jerusalem. Were there repercussions to this from some of the delegates or is that classified ?Seems like some of the delegates were not happy about adding it and I wondered what discussion went on before the vote that seemed to be a done deal.

    • Glad you enjoyed it Peggy. I’m going to keep blogging through the election. I’ve been contacted by and I have more things i want to say. I’ve had to try to get some sleep though ha! I’ll let you know when that is up and running. Also, please talk to my mother in law and tell her that there are democrats in the OC :-).

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